Larry Ringgold was born and raised on the Chesapeake Bay. He grew up crabbing and fishing with local watermen and has always felt a connection to the bay.
Larry first discovered driftwood sculptures in California in the 70’s. Since then he has found other artists doing magnificent work using driftwood. Their work was inspiring, but very different from Larry's approach in design and construction.
Since early in his career, Larry has used common, easily accessible materials to create fantastical works of art. His experimentation with driftwood began after the 2011 hurricanes forced the opening of the Conowingo Dam, which flooded the Chesapeake Bay. The result carried all varieties of colors, shapes and sizes of driftwood down to the Maryland beaches providing Larry with the raw materials to create a menagerie of driftwood art.


Driftwood Menagerie
Larry Ringgold’s sculptures put heart into the driftwood he collects along the Bay shore.

The wooden remnants the artist uses give his creatures a coiled intensity, suggesting sinew and even flesh. Ringgold might not actually sculpt the parts of his assemblages, but he does transfigure them.

A Renaissance Man at Work
The individual pieces of driftwood are selected for effect, coloring and design so the sculptures are amazingly realistic.
Best in Sculpture: Bethesda Row, Bethesda Md. 2023
Best in Show: Spotsy Art Festival, Spotsylvannia Va. 2021
Best Sculpture: Virginia Fall Foliage, Wayneboro Va. 2021
Best in Sculpture: Bethesda Row, Bethesda Md. 2019
Award for Excellence: Spotsy Art Festival, Spotsylvania Va 2019
Best in Show: Art in the Village, Irvington Va. 2019
Best of Show Artfest: Annmarie Gardens, Solomon’s Island Md. 2019
Best 3D in Show: Arts in the Middle, Urbanna Va. 2019
Best in Show & Presidents Award: Crozet Art Festival, Crozet Va. 2019
Best in Show: Sunrise Garden Art Show, North Beach Md
Best in Show: Spotsy Art Festival, Spotsylvanis Va.
Best in Show: Art Under the Oaks, Corolla NC 2018
2nd Place: Arts in the Middle, Urbana VA 2017
Judges Award: Arts Alive, Ocean City, MD 2016
Best in Show: Neptune Festival, Va.Beach, VA 2015
2nd Place: Artscape 2014, Flag Pond State Park, MD 2014
Sand Dollar Award: Boardwalk Art Show, Virginia Beach, VA 2014